Thursday, March 5, 2009

Jakob's being a bad boy

For the last couple of weeks, Jake has had a horrible time at school.  He's in kindergarten and up until two weeks ago had been doing fairly well.  He wanted his hair cut into a mohawk, so that's what Danny and I did.  The Monday after the hair cut, Jake just went nuts!  He's got this attitude with the teachers.  He rolls his eyes at them when they ask him to do something.  He flat out REFUSES to do as they say.  Every Monday the teacher sends home a "behavior strip" from the week before.  I didn't get one this week.  The teacher said she had caught Jake trying to hide it, and I guess he succeeded on the bus ride home.  I never even knew there was one!  

I am a mess of feelings right now.  I'm shocked, angry, scared, worried.  I don't want Jake to grow up in his bio father's footsteps.  I want to break the cycle.  I want him to grow up happy and healthy.  I want him to finish school, maybe even go to college.  I want him to get married and have a family (and actually take care of them).  There are so many things that I want for him, and I'm starting to doubt if any of that is even possible.  

He's def got his "Daddy's" DNA in him.  Sometimes I swear Jake is a mini-Rodney.  The looks he gives us when he's pissed, just like Rodney.  The way he carries his body, just like Rodney.  The way he HATES being told what to do, just like Rodney.  The way he bucks authority, JUST LIKE FUCKING RODNEY!  I swore to myself that I'd "beat Rodney right out of Jake."  But I can't just spank him.  That's not going to work.  Jake is a special child.  You cannot simply use force on that boy.  You have to talk to him in a special way, or you'll get NO where with him.  If you yell at him, he'll yell right back.  He's got a nasty little smart ass mouth on him.  You know, the kind that you just want to smack the lips off of.  I know that's an aweful thing to say about your child, but Jake can def push your buttons.  And he knows all the right buttons to push too.  Just like Rodney.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is, I need help.  I've enlisted my Dad's help for this.  My brother was a problem child growing up, and my Dad was in "enforcer."  My Mom would shield my brother from my Dad and guess what?  My little brother is in prison now.  I DO NOT want that for Jake.  I'd never be able to live with myself if Jake ended up like that.  I can't let that happen.  I hate being a "bitch mom,"  but it seems like I'm going to have to be.  

So anyways, Jake was grounded yesterday from all games (DS, PS, Wii) and the TV.  We worked on school related stuff all frickin' night.  So hopefully today he'll come home with a better report.  If not, it's another night of no games and no TV with the added punishment of cutting off his mohawk.  I just don't know how to get through to him!  His behavior is NOT acceptable!