Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Busy, busy, busy

We've all been super busy lately.  My grandma was rushed to the hospital last week due to kidney failure.  The prognosis wasn't good.  The doctors said that she'd have to be on dialisis three times a week for the rest of her life.  But the next day, her kidneys showed major improvement.  And she's still getting better by the day!  It's amazing!  My dad's always said that the DNA in his family is remarkable, and now I believe it!  My great grandma lived to be 102 years old.  My grandpa is 94 years old and still in pretty good shape.  My grandma will be 90 years old this year and she's the most independent person I know.  I'm so happy that she's getting better!

The day after my grandma went to the hospital, my mom went.  She's been suffering from cronic pancreatitis for several years.  She's been in and out of the hospital a hundred times.  About 6 months ago she had a feeding tube put in to hopefully help relieve some of the attacks.  And if she used the tube correctly, she'd probably be doing much better.  But, alas, my mother is like a child.  She stopped using the tube about 6 weeks after getting it.  So it's back to the long hospital stays.  I hate that!  I HATE tomaoes, but if the doctor told me that eating tomatoes would save my life, I'd be shitting red!  lol  I just don't understand how someone can be so pig headed!  

At the same time my mom and grandmother was in the hospital, my dad's long time friend was in getting his leg amputated.  He broke his ankle about a year ago, but it never got better.  It turned gang greene.  He was amputated just below the knee.  Then, 6 hours after the surgery, his doctor came in and said she had a dream that she did the surgery wrong, and she'd have to go in and do it again.  Something about cutting the bone wrong and if she left it that way it would sever his artery causing him to bleed out and die.  So they took him back in.  I smell lawsuit!  What kind of quack doctor does a surgery, goes home, takes a nap, have a DREAM about doing the surgery wrong, and open a patient back up because of a dream?  If guess he's doing better now.  My dad told him that he's going to bring over an eye patch and take him trick or treating this year!  lmao

Things for Kadie's party are starting to come together.  We've got decorations, invites in the mail, location, time, cake.  Now we just have to get her present.  We were going to get her the dancing Brobee, but we can't seem to find  him anywhere!  So if we can't find him, then we'll get her a little couch.  I think we'll get her a baseball glove also, because she absolutely loves baseball!  

We've also got a major ant problem.  We've been under attack for a few weeks, and I'm starting to think we're not going to win this fight.  They started the battle in our kitchen sink.  First it was just a few, then the numbers grew.  One morning I woke up and there were HUNDREDS in our sink!  Good news is, we won the Battle of the Sink.  But I noticed today that they've started two new battles.  I am currently fighting the Battle of the Stove, and the Battle of the Kitchen Table.  I WILL concure these assholes!  I WILL get my kitchen back!

Jake is doing much better in school, but now he's got a little problem with talking while the teacher's talking.  That's  much better than breaking rules, but I think I can deal with him doing a little talking.  I continue to tell him to be good in school and not to talk during class, but I think things have def calmed down now.  Jake's loving T-ball too!  I'm so glad!  He's doing so much better with T-ball than he was with football.  He's not as shy and much more willing to run his little heart out!  I'm so proud of him!

I'm off to find stamps.  I know we have them around here somewhere.  But where?  I have no idea!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

I really should stop reading the news

A man killed at least four of his family members and at least 5 other innocent people.  He burned down his mother's house while she was inside.  He killed his other relatives while they sat on the front porch.  Also on the porch was a deputy's wife and 18 month old child.  Both shot dead.  Then he started shooting people at random.  Nice, huh?  What a whack job!  After that, he had a shoot out with cops and killed himself.  If you want to take your life, do just that!  Kill yourself.  There's no need to take innocent people with you!

And if that wasn't enough to piss me off this morning, I read in my local news that a man went to one of the middle schools to propose to a 14 year old girl.  He was arrested for sexual misconduct with a minor.  This man drove from Wisconsin all the way to shit town Terre Haute to marry a child.  Gross!  My question is, how was this even able to happen?  The man and this child have met three previous times with one sexual encounter.  The father of the girl said that he's been trying to stop this relationship.  Uh, how about taking away the damn computer?  How about grounding her from the phone?  How about calling the cops as soon as you found out what was going on?  This situation is bad enough, but it could have been much, much worse!  I'm glad it wasn't.  This world is full of sick people!

I've got the building at the park reserved for Kadence's birthday party.  So that's one less thing we gotta do.  I'm excited!  Now we just need to get the balloons and decorations and we're done until April.

Jake has been doing better in school.  He only got one letter last week.  And so far this week he's been doing great.  Just that one letter on Monday.  Hopefully he can turn himself around and be able to enjoy the pizza party they have planned for the end of the month.  Only the good kids are allowed to go to the pizza party.  I hope he's one of them!

Tuesday, March 10, 2009


It's supposed to storm all day.  I hate rain!  And I hate storms even more!  I wished I could live in a place where it didn't rain so much!  I have no idea where that would be, unless I moved to a desert.  But it's too hot for that!

I got Kadie's tutu done!  It's super cute!  It's blue and white (like Cinderella's dress), and it's got the straps that come up and tie around the neck.  But stepping back to look at it yesterday, I decided that it looked kind of plain.  So now I've decided to put little rhine stones on it.  And then I thought maybe some ribbons hanging down.  And then.....  Yea, you see where this is going?  I'm hooked!  I tried to get Kadence to wear her tutu yesterday so I could get pics, but she wasn't having it.  So I'll try my damnedest today to get her in it.  

I need to find a leotard today in her size.  I already went to Walmart, but I knew they wouldn't have any to fit her.  So now I need to look online today.  I want a leotard in case it's cold on her birthday.  If it's warm, then she'll go sleeveless under her tutu.  I'd love to find some "glass" slippers also, but I doubt if I find any.

I HATE daylight savings!  I hate it, I hate it, I hate it!  And honestly, I don't see the point in it.  We only started changing our time about 2 years ago, maybe 3.  It hasn't been long, and I hate it!  Why, oh why did Indiana ever vote to start using it?  It used to be light outside when Jake went out to the bus.  And I loved it because I could watch those little hooligans outside waiting for the bus.  But now that it's dark again, I have to go outside to watch.  Where are the other parents at?  Why do I have to be the one to watch their kids?  They're not MY responsibility!  I certainly didn't sign up to watch those kids!  And I think they're too young to stand out there by themselves!  

Jake was somewhat good yesterday.  He said he got an "R" which means he broke a rule.  But the reasoning didn't really add up.  He said he spilled his glue and got and "R."  Doesn't make sense to me.  I think there's more to the story that I'm not going to get.

Monday, March 9, 2009

Cross your fingers for a good day!

I sent Jake off to school this morning, praying that he has a good day.  I guess only time will tell.  He told me that he was good on Friday, did everything the teacher asked him to do.  But it's sad that I can't trust him right now.  Why can't he just be the sweet little boy that he used to be?  What happened to him?  It breaks my heart to see him having such a rough time at school.  I always excelled in school, I loved it!  But to see such a different attitude about it.... wow!  I love my boy and will do anything in my power to make sure that he thrives.  First step:  Change doctors.  Check!  I did that last week.  Thank GOD!  Next step:  Get him in to see new doctor.  Still waiting on the changes to go through Medicaid.  That'll take a couple of weeks.

I'm busy getting everything ready for Kadie's birthday party.  We're having it on April 6th.  I just cannot believe she's getting ready to turn 2.  By the looks of her, most people would assume she's much younger.  But to see her play and interact with other kids (and her speech!) she seems much older.  She's been speaking in full sentences for about 3 months, maybe longer.  I love that she's able to communitcate with us.  She tells us stories, sings songs, tells us what she wants or needs.  It's great!  What's not so great is that she also knows how to yell at us when we're "bad."  lol

We're doing a princess theme again this year.  I'm going out to buy the material for a tutu dress (the kind that ties around the neck).  She's going to be Cinderella.  My good friend is going to make the cake.  It's going to be Cinderella's castle.  I am ridiculously excited about this!  I hope the dress turns out "ok."  I know it's not going to be great considering this will only be my second atempt at making one.  I think I'm going to make the tutu with ribbon, rather than with elastic.  I think the bow in the back with ribbons hanging down would be absolutely adorable!  

Friday, March 6, 2009

This is why I don't watch the news

This is so sad and so sick!  What person in their right mind would take another person's life?  Especially a child's life!  Why?!?  What sense does that make?  What give you the right to just haul off and fucking kill someone?  What exactly did those kids do to deserve that?  Pisses me off!  There's not a single person on the face of this planet that has the right to put their hands on another person, EVER!!!!  There's no excuse for it!  And then to kill someone?  That man ought to be shot dead on sight.  I can't watch the news because of shit like this.  It's become way to common and that's sad.  When you can say "Well, another family was killed last night" there's something wrong!  We shouldn't be able to say that!  It's horrible!

It's like that whole Rihanna thing.  Chris Brown should get the max penalty.  There should be no slap on the wrist for him!  And for Rihanna taking him back?  Don't know if it's true or not, but it's like that bitch is asking for it!  I can't stand Rihanna, but she def didn't deserve to be beaten!  No man has the right to put his hands on a woman, not ever!  And if Rihanna DID in fact take Chris back, what kind of message does that send all the kids that look up to her?  That it's ok to be beaten?  Well, it's not!  Dump the asshole and don't look back!  He's a piece of trash!  Men like that make me sick!

As for Jake, I talked to his teacher yesterday.  He had just got done telling the teacher that he was NOT going to finish his paper!  The teacher and I worked out a plan, and hopefully we can get Jake back on track.  I've also been doing so research online and  I think Jake may have ADD/ADHD.  I'm going to call and find him a competent doctor (not that quack we've been seeing), and get him tested.  Something's not right.  The teacher told me that Jake is unable to retain information.  I don't believe that for a second.  He knows his stuff at home, but for some reason once he gets to school he "doesn't know."  I'd hate for him to have ADD/ADHD, but I know Jake's not stupid!  I know there has to be some sort of barrier that's keeping him from reaching his full potential!  I mean, the kid was two years old and could recognize several letters of the alphabet!  I'm praying he has a better day at school today.

Kadence had peas for breakfast this morning.  My mom told me that's disgusting, but when you've got a child that hardly eats anything, you give her what she wants.  And today she wanted peas.  I can't believe she's getting ready to turn two!  Where did that time go?  Kadie's starting to sleep better at night.  We're kind of letting her CIO, but not really.  She doesn't really cry too much, it's the getting out of bed thing that was getting out of control.  She's stayed in her bed all week with minimal crying.  I'm loving being able to sleep all night again!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Jakob's being a bad boy

For the last couple of weeks, Jake has had a horrible time at school.  He's in kindergarten and up until two weeks ago had been doing fairly well.  He wanted his hair cut into a mohawk, so that's what Danny and I did.  The Monday after the hair cut, Jake just went nuts!  He's got this attitude with the teachers.  He rolls his eyes at them when they ask him to do something.  He flat out REFUSES to do as they say.  Every Monday the teacher sends home a "behavior strip" from the week before.  I didn't get one this week.  The teacher said she had caught Jake trying to hide it, and I guess he succeeded on the bus ride home.  I never even knew there was one!  

I am a mess of feelings right now.  I'm shocked, angry, scared, worried.  I don't want Jake to grow up in his bio father's footsteps.  I want to break the cycle.  I want him to grow up happy and healthy.  I want him to finish school, maybe even go to college.  I want him to get married and have a family (and actually take care of them).  There are so many things that I want for him, and I'm starting to doubt if any of that is even possible.  

He's def got his "Daddy's" DNA in him.  Sometimes I swear Jake is a mini-Rodney.  The looks he gives us when he's pissed, just like Rodney.  The way he carries his body, just like Rodney.  The way he HATES being told what to do, just like Rodney.  The way he bucks authority, JUST LIKE FUCKING RODNEY!  I swore to myself that I'd "beat Rodney right out of Jake."  But I can't just spank him.  That's not going to work.  Jake is a special child.  You cannot simply use force on that boy.  You have to talk to him in a special way, or you'll get NO where with him.  If you yell at him, he'll yell right back.  He's got a nasty little smart ass mouth on him.  You know, the kind that you just want to smack the lips off of.  I know that's an aweful thing to say about your child, but Jake can def push your buttons.  And he knows all the right buttons to push too.  Just like Rodney.

So I guess what I'm trying to say is, I need help.  I've enlisted my Dad's help for this.  My brother was a problem child growing up, and my Dad was in "enforcer."  My Mom would shield my brother from my Dad and guess what?  My little brother is in prison now.  I DO NOT want that for Jake.  I'd never be able to live with myself if Jake ended up like that.  I can't let that happen.  I hate being a "bitch mom,"  but it seems like I'm going to have to be.  

So anyways, Jake was grounded yesterday from all games (DS, PS, Wii) and the TV.  We worked on school related stuff all frickin' night.  So hopefully today he'll come home with a better report.  If not, it's another night of no games and no TV with the added punishment of cutting off his mohawk.  I just don't know how to get through to him!  His behavior is NOT acceptable!

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Running it up

Poker has become a hobby for me.  I play for fun with friends and online.  Occasionally (like here recently), I play for money online.  I started off with $50 and was up to $73 at one point in time.  But after a few bad beats and a couple of bad days, I went down to $10.90.  I'm now going to try to run it back up.  I'm going to start off at the $0.01/0.02 tables.  My buy in for each session will be 1/5 of my bank roll.  So if I have $10, my buy in will be $2.  When I get 500 big blinds, I'll move up to the next level ($0.02/0.05... ect).  I'll be posting my progress on here.

I played a session today.  I only played for about an hour.  I'm happy to say I'm up.  I'm not up by a lot, but I'm up nonetheless.  I sat down with $2 and left with $3.24.  Not a bad start!  Wheeeeeeee!!!!!!!!

Bank roll           Buy-in           Wins/loses

$10.90              $2.00               +$1.24
$14.14               $2.00               +$1.21